Client News

Consulting Firm Levels Up with CypherTax

3 min

Regional Firm Improves Client Service with Flexible CypherTax Technology

When the leadership of a consulting firm decided they wanted to bring reverse audits in-house, they began a search for a technology to support data management. After evaluating their options, the team elected to go with CypherTax. They chose us over more established products because they saw greater potential and appreciated our hands-on approach to a trial period.

Our pilot included nearly 300,000 transactions over three years.

We set to work immediately loading the firm’s existing data into their iteration of our technology. The next morning, we prepared visualizations to present our findings. We knew that with such limited knowledge of the data, we could only hope to find any valuable information quickly. Still, we immediately found one item worth nearly $200,000 that was left out of the claim. The item could have easily been missed, but our graphs helped us identify a change in data over time, indicating a rule change that was missed. 

CypherTax helps a consulting firm streamline refunds. 

Of course, the consulting firm’s leadership team was ecstatic to discover this information so quickly, especially when considering the initial claim consumed over a month of resource time. While CypherTax isn't expected to process claim data in a day, in some situations, it may.

Now, the firm relies on CypherTax technology to support many client services, including audit defense, reverse audits, accruals, intercompany transactions, data normalization, custom reporting, and business intelligence. With CypherTax, the firm serves numerous client accounts, including several household name clients. The efficiency they experience with our technology allows them to be more competitive, both when it comes to timing and cost.

Ready to learn more about CypherTax? Contact us to schedule a demo.